see information on our activity library in fmn initiatives
Dementia Support inc.
see information on our activity library in fmn initiatives
Prevalence of Dementia
WA Statistics
*The National Centre for Social Economic Modelling NATSEM (2016) Economic cost of Dementia in Australia 2016-2056
There is help out there for when you need it. Always reach out if you feel you are struggling.
Dementia is an ‘umbrella’ term for a range of illnesses which cause a progressive decline in a person’s functioning.
It affects thinking, behaviour and the ability to perform tasks.
A dementia diagnosis affects everyone; from the individual diagnosed, to their family and friends. But, it can particularly take a toll on a spouse, making it difficult to strengthen a relationship already going through so much change.
Because dementia and memory loss affects each individual differently, it’s impossible to make assumptions or generalities. From the beginning to end, a couple’s journey in dealing with dementia is completely unique to them and constantly changing. Every couple will navigate their illness and the evolution of their relationship in their own way.
Alzheimer's WA Customer Service - 1300 66 77 88
Dementia Behaviour Management Advice - 1800 699 799
Lifeline - 13 11 14
Crisis Care - 1800 199 008
The Samaritans - 1800 198 313
Carer's Councelling Line - 1800 643 000
Emergency Respite and Carelink Centre - 1800 052 222
National Dementia Helpline - 1800 100 500
Many people often confuse the terms Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Although they are both used interchangeably, there are distinct differences between them.
Dementia is not a disease, but a group of symptoms that are associated with a decline in thinking, reasoning and/or remembering. If someone has dementia, they may have difficulty carrying out daily tasks they have performed routinely and independently throughout their lives.
The two most common types of dementia are:
o Alzheimer’s disease
o Vascular dementia, which is the hardening of the
arteries in the brain that causes blockage in blood
These two conditions account for the vast majority of dementia cases. Both conditions are irreversible, although sometimes their symptoms can be managed.
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, and this progressive brain disorder has no known cause or cure. This disease leads to memory loss, confusion, impaired judgement, personality changes, disorientation and the inability to communicate. Dementia occurs in the mid to later stages of Alzheimer’s disease.
Doctors can accurately diagnose the dementia symptoms in 90% of cases.
For a more in-depth look at the forget-me-not information booklet, please see download below.
forget-me-not Dementia Support
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main image courtesy of City of Gosnells