see information on our activity library in fmn initiatives
Dementia Support inc.
see information on our activity library in fmn initiatives
Forget-me-not cafe's began when Angi discovered a lack of community led groups that would allow loved ones and their carers to enjoy a quiet cuppa together with others in similar positions.
While important, gatherings through organisations tended to separate them from their partners.
From the first café collaboration in Roleystone, the Forget-me-not Café idea was born, and with it, the Forget-me-not team.
Forget-me-not cafe's encourage carers and their partners to coexist in a social atmosphere, with no fear of embarrassment, misunderstandings, or judgement, as they share a morning with others who are travelling down the same road.
These cafe's provide a place for carers and loved ones with dementia to see that despite this illness being so personal, there are still others who truly can understand through their own first hand experience, and share the fact that we are not alone in our fight.
The popularity of community driven forget-me-not cafes can be proven through the sheer number that have been set up around WA, since the first began in Roleystone back in 2017.
With the help of local governments, neighbourhood cafes and many more wonderful people, these groups are banding together to bring dementia awareness to all; to encourage a safer future for all affected by memory loss.
We encourage all carers, partners and families to come along to a memory café. If you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with dementia or effected by memory loss, then we can provide a safe and caring morning filled with laughter, reminiscing and fine cups of tea .
Our community groups are open and friendly and completely volunteer run.
if you wish to start up your own memory café, please feel free to contact forget-me-not for any questions, or ask how be involved.
Becoming a Champion is also always welcome. Champions are members of our community who are charged with overseeing their Local FMN. Nothing is required to become a champion, other than welcoming attendees, and overseeing name tags and information. If you feel like this is something you would be interested in, please contact our team! we would love to have you one board.
*Please be aware that these are community run events and are not to be used as respite.
Act Belong Commit partners hundreds of community groups, not-for-profits, government organisations, and businesses to help share their vital health message, and provide opportunities for people to live mentally healthy lives.
Act - Do something
Keep active in as many ways as you can: physically, socially, mentally, Spiritually, culturally...
Belong - Do something with someone
Keep connected to friends and family: get involved in groups, join in local community activities...
Commit - Do something meaningful
Commit to a cause; become a volunteer, learn a new skill, or take up a challenge.
'being active, having a sense of belonging and having a purpose in life all contribute to good mental health'
- Associate Professor Christina Pollard, Director, Mentally Healthy WA, Curtin Population Health.
forget-me-not Dementia Support
Copyright © 2020 Forgetmenotmemorycafe - All Rights Reserved.
main image courtesy of City of Gosnells